2025 - 2026 MCPS High School Course Bulletin

EDU2006A/EDU2006B Child Development 2A DP

1.0 credit per semester

Students will learn to be reflective practitioners using research-based methods of teaching and working with children. Students will analyze data, interpret and apply educational theories, use technology as a teaching tool, and apply developmentally appropriate teaching practices in classroom and field experiences. They will demonstrate leadership skills in communication, critical thinking, and problem solving. As they assume increased responsibilities for program management, students will develop and implement age-appropriate learning experiences for preschoolers. Upon completion of 4880/4881 and all certification requirements, students will be eligible to apply for the 90 + 9 Clock Hours Certification.

Child and Adolescent Development 1A/B
9 - 10 - 11 - 12
No repeats for credit
Double period

Special Program or Cluster Designations: