2025 - 2026 MCPS High School Course Bulletin

Apprenticeship Maryland

The Apprenticeship Maryland Program is based on a partnership among eligible employers, MCPS, students and parents. The program is for students ages 16 and up, and is designed to lead to sustainable employment and further education, based on selected career pathways. The program consists of at least 1 credit of related classroom instruction and a workplace component of at least 450 hours. The workplace component is a paid (at least minimum wage) mentored, on-the-job, work experience with a written student rating/work-based learning plan.

Additional program information can be found at https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/career-readiness/apprenticeship/

WBL2009Apprenticeship WBL 1 DP
WBL2010A / WBL2010BApprenticeship WBL 2A
WBL2011Apprenticeship WBL 3 DP

Career Readiness Education Academy (CREA)

The Career Readiness Education Academy (CREA) is an academic and career readiness program for older English language learners (ELLs) in MCPS. Students in CREA have the opportunity to prepare for the GED exam and earn industry certifications in their chosen field of study. Students are referred to CREA if they are at least 18 years old and unlikely to meet graduation requirements before turning 21 and/or if they are interested in pursuing an alternative pathway to a high school diploma via GED preparation. CREA offers both full-day and evening programs at Thomas Edison High School of Technology and Seneca Valley High School. The evening option is offered Monday through Thursday from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and the day programs occur during regular school hours. In both programs, students study a career pathway and participate in an ESOL class, math class,
and GED preparation class. Students enroll at their home school, but attend all classes with the CREA program.

These courses are open only to ESOL students enrolled in the CREA program and admission must be determined by the CREA program specialist.
The courses are offered only at Seneca Valley High School and Thomas Edison High School of Technology. Additional information is at www.

ESL2050CREA GED Preparation
ESL2051CREA ELD 1 and 2
ESL2052CREA Math 1 and 2
ESL2053CREA Pre-GED Math
ESL2050CREA GED Preparation
ESL2054CREA Auto Topics DP
ESL2057CREA Found Construction DP
ESL2058CREA Hospitality Tour DP
ESL2059CREA Restaurant Management DP
ESL2045CREA Nail Technology
ESL2046CREA English Language Development 1
ESL2047CREA English Language Development 2
ESL2048CREA Math 1
ESL2049CREA Math 2

College/Career Research and Development (CCRD)

College/Career Research and Development is a two-year program of study that prepares students with academic, technical, and workplace skills
necessary to pursue future education and employment in a career fi eld of their interest, on graduation from high school.

Additional program information can be found at https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/career-readiness/plans/college.aspx.

NSS2035A / NSS2035BCollege Career A
NSS2034A / NSS2034BCareer Seminar A
WBL2013A / WBL2013BSite Work Exp SP A